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Which types of antiques require prior authorization before importation?

September 20, 2023 | 722 views

Importing antiques originating from foreign countries requires prior authorization before bringing them into Thailand, according to the Ministry of Commerce’s announcement regarding the importation of antiques originating from foreign countries into the Kingdom, B.E. 2547

Scope of control

Key Information: Items falling under tariff code 9703.009 and being ancient artifacts pre-dating recorded history with origins from foreign countries are subject to customs duties. This includes the following categories:

  • Buddha statues, deity statues, religious veneration statues
  • Parts or components of antiquities
  • Ancient coins
  • Ancient inscriptions, ancient documents
  • Tools, utensils, and ornaments

Regulations and Import Criteria

Importation requires permission and must have a certificate of origin issued by a government agency of the exporting country. Importation is permitted under the following circumstances:

  • For educational exhibitions or temporary dissemination, with specified exhibition duration and definite return arrangements
  • For donation to government agencies
  • For religious reverence or worship, limited to Buddha statues, deity statues, or religious veneration statues, and not exceeding 2 pieces per import. In cases where it is necessary to import more than 2 pieces per occasion, it must be submitted to the Minister or the authorized person appointed by the Minister for consideration and approval

For further inquiries, please contact: Fine Arts Department 
81/1 Sri Ayutthaya Road, Wachira Sub-district, Dusit District, Bangkok 10300
Phone: 0-2628-5033, 0-2281-6766

Read more : www.finearts.go.th
Source : Department of Foreign Trade and The Fine Arts Department

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