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Announcement! Visa Free for Indian and Taiwanese until May 2024

November 2, 2023 | 543 views

The Cabinet has approved an exemption from stamp duty for tourism purposes for travelers holding Indian and Taiwanese passports. This exemption is a special and temporary measure from November 10, 2023, to May 10, 2024, aimed at benefiting the economy and international relations with the Republic of India and Taiwan as a whole.

The exemption from stamp duty for tourism for Indian and Taiwanese tourists is a temporary, special case. It is intended to support and promote tourism, which plays a crucial role in Thailand’s economy. The Thai economic agencies have set a goal for the overall tourism industry to generate approximately 2.38 trillion Baht. The latest data shows that revenue from foreign tourists is approximately 7.5 hundred billion Baht (as of August 2023).

Currently, Indian and Taiwanese passport holders can request a Visa on Arrival (VOA) with a TR (Tourist) code from the Royal Thai Embassy or Consulate-General and the Thai Trade and Economic Office. This allows them to stay in the Kingdom for 60 days and request an extension with the immigration office for an additional 30 days. They can also request VOA at designated immigration checkpoints, which allows them to stay in the Kingdom for 15 days.

Information by https://www.thaigov.go.th/news/contents/details/74024
Photography by HelloDavidPradoPerucha

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