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The request for importing food for the purpose of being a sample for food recipe registration

September 23, 2023 | 477 views

For Thai entrepreneurs interested in importing new food formats to enter the Thai market, certain types of food may require permission from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as mandated by law. Let’s look at the important things to know about how to prepare if you need to import food in this format.

Things to know

  • Imported food must not be prohibited according to the Ministry of Public Health’s announcement.
  • Check the prescribed types and quantities of food in accordance with the regulations. You can find them at www.mnfda.fda.moph.go.th/dis/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/LAW_O16.pdf
  • Essential documents must be presented when importing food products at risk of mad cow disease, as per the Ministry of Public Health’s announcement (No. 377) B.E. 2559.
  • Essential documents must be presented when importing food products with the potential use of partially hydrogenated oils and fats as ingredients, as per the Ministry of Public Health’s announcement (No. 388) 2561.
  • In the case where accompanying documents are in a language other than English, provide a translation in either Thai or English certified by an accredited translation agency or individual, such as from an embassy/consulate or an organization authorized to perform standardized international document translations along with a certification.
  • For products with associations to other complexly categorized products, the applicant must contact the relevant organization to determine the category of that product.
  • Submit supporting documents for access to the Food and Drug Information Gateway (OPEN ID) system. Details can be found at www.mnfda.fda.moph.go.th/dis/other_foods_1

 Following that, apply for an OPEN ID at www.privus.fda.moph.go.th

 to request a Username and Password to access the e-submission system. Submit your application online at the FDA’s website: www.privus.fda.moph.go.th

Important Supporting Documents

  • Copy of the product price list (Invoice) – 1 copy
  • Copy of the shipping document (Air Waybill: AWB / Bill of Lading: BL) / Product account details (Packing list) or other relevant documents
  • Images of the product and clear labels showing the name and composition
  • A letter explaining the purpose of the import, along with a statement certifying the intent to use the product samples for food recipe registration or for evaluation purposes only

Read more : www.mnfda.fda.moph.go.th/dis/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/User_M_O16-1.pdf

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