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The Customs Department has opened a one-stop service center for border trade (OSS) in Nong Khai Province.

November 13, 2024 | 256 views

The Customs Department has launched the Nong Khai Border Trade One Stop Service Center (NKBTOSS) in Nong Khai Province, marking it as a crucial gateway for trade, investment, and a key logistics strategy for the region.

  • The One Stop Service (OSS) Border Trade Center is designed to enhance Thailand’s logistics system, providing the public with efficient, convenient, and hassle-free import-export services.
  • Improving Public Sector Services: The role of the public sector is being redefined to emphasize support, facilitation, and regulation in order to streamline and simplify processes.
  • Collaboration among 8 agencies: The OSS integrates eight agencies, including Nong Khai Customs Office, Nong Khai Commerce Office, Nong Khai Industrial Office, Nong Khai Excise Area Office, Nong Khai Plant Inspection Station, Nong Khai Animal Quarantine Station, Zone 2 Fisheries Checkpoint Management Center, and Nong Khai Food and Drug Checkpoint.
  • Streamlining Processes for Greater Efficiency: By consolidating border trade and transit services into one system, the OSS reduces administrative procedures, providing faster and more efficient services.
  • Eliminating Unnecessary Regulations: The OSS minimizes unnecessary regulations and steps, ensuring that the public sector does not hinder economic growth. The Customs Department has also developed a Single Submission Service, enhancing the Thailand National Single Window (Thai NSW) for centralized electronic data linkage at a single point.

How does the centralized electronic data linkage platform (Thailand National Single Window: Thai NSW) work?

  • A pilot program has been launched for agricultural plant products, covering 673 product codes. It allows businesses to apply for import permits and certification for agricultural products starting from September 1, 2024.
  • The system supports applications for permits and certification of agricultural products controlled jointly by the Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration, covering 415 product codes.
  • Importers can submit their applications and data just once.
  • The Customs Department has developed the Thailand Trade Journey system to assist import-export businesses, providing easy access to important data and communication channels with government agency information systems.
  • Businesses can directly apply for permits or certifications through the system, with full access to information, procedures, laws, and tax benefits.
  • New businesses will be able to access relevant information about regulations, laws, and the import-export permit application process.
  • For exports, a pilot program has been introduced for 22 types of fruit, managed by the Department of Agriculture, the National Bureau of Agricultural Commodity and Food Standards, and the Department of Foreign Trade.
  • For imports, a pilot program has been launched for products such as vegetables, fruits, hazardous substances, fertilizers, cosmetics, and medical devices, covering 20 items. The relevant agencies involved are the Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration.
  • The aim is to reduce the burden of redundant data entry and enable information to be submitted to the relevant agencies in a single submission. This has been piloted with agricultural plant imports controlled by multiple agencies, such as feed ingredients, mandarins, cassava, garlic, lychees, frozen durians, and longans, involving five agencies: the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Livestock Development, the National Bureau of Agricultural Commodity and Food Standards, the Department of Foreign Trade, and the Food and Drug Administration. This system is expected to reduce data entry time by up to 60%.

Source: Office of the Prime Minister, Government House
Photo: Freepik

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