Home > News & Tips > News update > THAILAND MICE: MEET THE MAGIC


August 3, 2022 | 1303 views

Thailand has reopened for MICE business and received very warm welcome with many new face-to-face conventions and mega-events are confirmed between 2022 and 2027. To further strengthen the country’s leading position, Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) is ready to offer initiatives and new development to refresh MICE using “Meet the Magic” as its core value.

To mark the reopening of Thailand and create international confidence, TCEB is revealing a new MICE brand at IMEX Frankfurt.

‘Thailand MICE – Meet the Magic’ heralds Thailand’s new position in revitalising travellers’ experience and re-energising the industry after two years without international travel. With a potential as a world destination, Thailand will show its uniqueness in combining its soft and hard power in delivering events.

In addition to marking the reopening of the country in the MICE market, TCEB is announcing updates on products and initiatives that will boost the industry. They include new localised experiences, growth opportunities for new business and professional sectors, mega-events, technological solutions and hygienic practices for events, as well as carbon footprint initiatives and support schemes. All are designed to meet the shifting requirements of the industry.

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