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Summary of the Process for Requesting Import Approval for Herbal Products

September 28, 2023 | 316 views

“Herbal products” are highly popular in the medical and healthcare industry. The importation of herbal products from other countries is on the rise due to the increasing trend of self-care and health consciousness among people today. Let’s take a look at the steps involved in the importation process and the main authority overseeing this, which is the Herbal Products Division of the Food and Drug Administration.

The steps in preparing supporting documents for the process

This involves diagnosing herbal products in order to correctly prepare supporting documents, which can be done through:

  • Self-diagnosis according to the definition of herbal product types and product risks.
  • Consultation via e-service through the online system ‘skynet.’ Information can be obtained from the One Stop Service Center at www.innovative.fda.moph.go.th

Steps for requesting import approval

  • Learn how to apply for permission for production/importation at www.herbal.fda.moph.go.th
  • Applying for a production/importation license
  • If located in Bangkok, submit the application for a license at the Food and Drug Administration office
  • If located in a different province, submit the application for a license at the provincial health office where the production/importation facility is situated.
  • After obtaining the production/importation facility license, proceed to apply for product approval
  • Learn how to apply for product approval: www.herbal.fda.moph.go.th
  • Request import approval for sample products: Once approval is obtained, import the sample products and proceed to have them analyzed as required
  • Submit the application according to the specified process (notification/details registration) by preparing the necessary documents based on the product type. After obtaining approval, the product can be distributed through approved channels, including ‘general sale,’ ‘sale at licensed premises,’ and ‘for medical use only

read more details, visit www.herbal.fda.moph.go.th

Source: Herbal Products Division, Food and Drug Administration

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