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Steps to Know When Importing Cosmetics for Demonstration or Exhibition Purposes

May 23, 2024 | 354 views

Here are the summarized steps and key criteria that importers of cosmetics should know preliminarily when importing for demonstration (imported as a sample) or for exhibition purposes:


Step 1 To submit documents to request access to the information system and supporting documents at the Product Control Center for Finished Health Products, OSSC Building, 4th floor, the following essentials are required

  • Letter of intent (if the applicant is an authorized person) + Copy of the authorized person’s national ID card + Consent letter for data collection and disclosure of personal information for the application submission process.
  • Power of attorney (if the applicant is a representative) + Copy of the authorized person’s national ID card + Copy of the representative’s national ID card + Consent letter for data collection and disclosure of personal information for the application submission process (signed by the representative).
  • The applicant is entitled to use the information system of the Food and Drug Administration for up to 1 year.
  • Documents to request access to the information system can be submitted for temporary access beforehand to bie.thaifda@gmail.com (08:30-16:30 daily, excluding official holidays).

Step 2 You can submit your application through the e-Submission system at https://privus.fda.moph.go.th > Entrepreneur > Cosmetic Import System for One-time Import

Step 3 After approval, the system will issue an LPI number for use in preparing the customs declaration with the Customs Department.

Important conditions to know for imports for different purposes:

For importing as samples:

  • Imported finished cosmetics ready for use, not exceeding 6 items per shipment and a total of 30 items per import application.
  • If quantities exceed 6 items per shipment, reasons for necessity along with supporting documentation must be provided.
  • Each identical item can be imported up to 3 times.

For importing for exhibitions:

  • Imported finished cosmetics ready for use, not exceeding 12 items per shipment.
  • If quantities exceed 12 items per shipment, reasons for necessity along with supporting documentation must be provided (case by case).
  • A certification of destruction of all cosmetics or a commitment letter from the importer to return the products within 30 days after the exhibition ends must be provided. Records must be kept for inspection purposes upon request.

For further inquiries, you can contact them at +66 2590 7000 ext. 79918

More detail: https://bit.ly/451rCuU

Source : Import and export inspection division, Food and Drug Administration

Photography: Freepik

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