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Requesting a refund of customs procedure fees according to the invoice

September 18, 2023 | 235 views

If there is a case where a MICE operator needs to request a refund of customs procedure fees and is unsure of which customs agency to contact and what preliminary documents to prepare, today we share insights on requesting a refund of customs procedure fees according to the invoice in all cases.

Steps and Important Things to Know

  • Contact the Customs Revenue Management Division, Secretary Office, Customs Department at 0 2667 6150 or 0 2667 7000 ext. 4553 for customs duty refund inquiries.
  • Business operators must have a registered bank account number for the purpose of requesting a tax refund.
  • If not yet registered, additional notification is required by submitting a request to change registration information (Form No. 7 and attached form) with supporting documents, at the Customs Department’s registration receiving unit.
  • Form No. 7 can be downloaded here
  • The attached form (Form J) can be downloaded here
  • Example of Attached Form J for Individuals can be viewed here
  • Example of Attached Form J for Legal Entities can be viewed here www.customs.go.th

Documents for Requesting Refund of Fees

  • Request form for refund of customs procedure fees
  • Copy of ID card (for Thai nationals) of the authorized person signing the request form
  • Copy of passport (for foreigners) of the authorized person signing the request form
  • Proof of payment by the business operator (original copy)

Source: Customs Department

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