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How to Import Hazardous Substances?

October 17, 2022 | 1101 views

Importing hazardous substances such as chemicals or chemical products requires an application for permission to import from the relevant government agencies prior to customs formalities and clearances.

Steps to Check Before Importing Hazardous Substances

  • Do a preliminary inspection to determine whether the imported goods are subject to permission and what type of business they will be used for. For example, fertilizers or pesticides may relate to the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Fisheries. Medicines may relate to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Suppose it is used as a raw material or ingredient in production; it will be related to the Hazardous Substances Control Bureau, Ministry of Industry.
  • If you do not know whether it is dangerous good or not, request product details, e.g., a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) from the manufacturer to see if it is under Hazardous Substance Act 2535 and related laws. For details, please go to:
    • Information on “Licensed and Certificated Goods” from the Customs Department website
    • Information on Hazardous Substance from the Department of Industrial Works website
  • Suppose you are unsure if it is a hazardous item; please request a letter of advice concerning hazardous substances from a related agency.
  • Suppose the imported goods require permission before importing; please proceed according to the requirements of the relevant departments. There are online services available for your convenience.

For entrepreneurs who have inspected the product and know which agency is involved, just follow the application steps for a permit for hazardous import goods. You will find that the procedures are not complicated at all.

Reference: Department of Industrial Works https://www.diw.go.th/webdiw/s-data/

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