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Caffeine requires permission before importation

June 24, 2023 | 662 views

Many people may wonder why a permit from the Department of Foreign Trade is required to import or export caffeine, as well as certification from the Food and Drug Administration. This is because caffeine can be used illegally as an ingredient in the production of addictive drugs. Normally, the proper use of caffeine is limited to the pharmaceutical and food industries, such as an ingredient in pain relievers, migraine medications, carbonated beverages, energy drinks, and flavorings in certain types of pastries. It is also used in the production of green paper. It is clear that caffeine plays an important role in the food and pharmaceutical industries.

Control Scope:

  • Caffeine (Coffeine), also known as Coffein, Methyltheobromine.
  • Chemical name: 3, 7-Dihydro-1,3,7-trimethyl-1H-purine-2, 6-dione; 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine; 1,3,7-trimethyl-2, 6-di-oxopurine; caffeine; thein; guaranine; methyltheobromine.
  • Chemical formula: C8H10N4O2 and the salts of the aforementioned substance under the tariff code for importation: 2939.30.00 and 3003.49.00.
  • Excluding derivatives of caffeine and finished pharmaceutical products containing caffeine, which require import permits and registration of drug formulas from the Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Public Health.

Import Procedures:

  1. Submit an application for permission to import, along with a certificate of import or order of caffeine from the Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Public Health, or from the Department of Industrial Works, Ministry of Industry, and invoice or proforma invoice or other commercial documents that indicate the details of the purchase and sale of such goods.
  2. Permission to import or export will only be granted upon receiving an information notification letter from the Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Public Health, or the Department of Industrial Works, Ministry of Industry, depending on the case.

Source: Narcotics Control Division, Food and Drug Administration. For more information, visit Department of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Commerce. For more information, visit

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